Terms of use


1. Scope

1.1 These terms of use apply to the use of the GtimeClock time clock App. They do not apply to a connected time tracking system such as Goodtime time tracking, whose API can be used with GtimeClock. The terms of use of the Goodtime time tracking software are published on its homepage. GtimeClock is free software and is provided freely.

2. User group

2.1 GtimeClock is freely available on the Internet. People aged 18 and over can use GtimeClock. People under 18 require the consent of their legal guardians.

2.2 Installing GtimeClock involves accepting the terms of use.

3. Data protection

3.1 GtimeClock respects the privacy of its users. GtimeClock treats users' personal data confidentially and only makes this data available to the extent permitted by data protection laws or if the user consents to this.

3.2 GtimeClock points out that its users' personal data is processed electronically.

4. Subject of the contract

4.1 All services that are declared as 'free' are not part of the service owed and can therefore be discontinued at any time, either in full or in part.

4.2 GtimeClock reserves the right to send information about GtimeClock or GtimeClock services.

5. Observance of copyrights

5.1 Only content and statements may be published, sent or transmitted for which the user has the necessary rights (in particular copyright and ancillary copyright).

5.2 The GtimeClock time clock App and the associated resources are protected against copying and misuse by copyright provisions. The unauthorized copying, distribution or publication of these services or their content or their imitation will be pursued through civil and, if necessary, criminal measures.

6. Rights and obligations of the user

6.1 Each user bears full responsibility for his or her activities within the GtimeClock app and the associated services. Furthermore, each user is obliged to comply with the legal regulations, in particular not to violate existing laws of the Republic of Austria. Above all, each user undertakes to comply with the applicable youth protection regulations. This means, among other things, that the GtimeClock app, including the associated services, may not be used for illegal purposes. In particular, it is prohibited to publish, transmit or distribute content and/or statements that are illegal, in particular with offensive, violent, discriminatory or pornographic content. This also includes content that can be accessed via links set by the user.

6.2 Furthermore, the use of offensive content, ambiguous terms and other representations whose illegality is suspected but cannot be conclusively determined is prohibited.

6.3 User activities that are designed to render GtimeClock or the services of GtimeClock inoperable or at least to make their use more difficult are prohibited and can be prosecuted under civil and criminal law. In particular, measures that can influence the physical and logical structure of GtimeClock or an associated service are prohibited. Measures or activities that can hinder or disrupt the maintenance or the verification of the security of GtimeClock are also prohibited. These include, for example, port scans or monitoring activities.

6.4 In the event of misuse of a user account using GtimeClock, the user undertakes to indemnify GtimeClock against all claims made by third parties against GtimeClock due to the services provided to the user.

6.5 The user is obliged to protect against unauthorized use by third parties.

7. Rights and obligations of GtimeClock

7.1 In the event of a breach of these terms of use or there is reasonable suspicion of a breach by a user, GtimeClock is entitled to exclude the respective user from use.

7.2 The operator of a GtimeClock time clock is responsible for compliance with the General terms of use by its users/operators/employees.

7.4 GtimeClock is entitled to modify or otherwise change or discontinue the application and its additional services as well as these terms of use.

9. Warranty

9.1 GtimeClock does not guarantee that the time clock software and the associated services are error-free. This applies in particular if access to GtimeClock is prevented by disruptions that are outside the sphere of GtimeClock. In particular, GtimeClock does not guarantee that data sent will be saved and made available if an error occurs during message transmission outside of GtimeClock.

10. Liability

10.1 GtimeClock is only liable if GtimeClock is guilty of intentional or grossly negligent conduct. This does not apply if essential contractual obligations are violated by GtimeClock, its vicarious agents and/or legal representatives.

10.2 In the event of slight negligence, liability of GtimeClock and/or its vicarious agents and legal representatives for financial losses with regard to indirect damages, in particular consequential damages, unforeseeable damages or atypical damages as well as lost profits is excluded.

10.3 Any statutory liability of GtimeClock regardless of fault - in particular liability under the Product Liability Act and statutory warranty liability - remains unaffected by the above limitations of liability. The same applies to the liability of GtimeClock in the event of culpable injury to the life, body or health of a user.

13. Place of jurisdiction

13.1 The place of jurisdiction is Linz, Austria.

14. Final provisions

14.1 The law of the Republic of Austria applies. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.

14.2 This Agreement or the use of GtimeClock or the Additional Services does not establish any joint venture partnership, employment relationship or agency relationship between GtimeClock and the respective User.

15. Severability Clause

15.1 Should individual provisions of these terms of use be or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Copyright Notice

All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. Unless identified with the designation "COPY FREE", the contents of this website is copyrighted by GtimeClock.

You may not otherwise copy or transmit the contents of this website either electronically or in hard copies. You may not alter the content of this website in any manner. If you are interested in using the contents of this website in any manner except as described above, please contact support@GtimeClockrecording.com for information on licensing.

Use this information only for good; never for evil. Do not expose to fire Do not operate heavy equipment after reading, may cause drowsiness Do not read under the influence of alcohol (although there have been several unconfirmed reports that alcohol actually improves the readability) The standard is written in English If you have trouble understanding a particular section, read it again and again and again... Sit up straight. Eat your vegetables Do not mumble.

Individual documents published by GtimeClock on the World Wide Web may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information specific to that individual document. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any patent, trademark or other property right of GtimeClock or any third party. Except as expressly provided above nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any copyright or other property right of GtimeClock or any third party. Note that any product, process, or technology in this document may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by GtimeClock and may not be licensed here under.

© 2024 GtimeClock - Android time clock terminal